Your step-wise guide to all things cardio

Another blog, another chance to getting digging into more fitness knowledge! Previously, we discussed the main types of fitness training, and today, we will elaborate further on one of the topics, Cardio Workouts. If you’re a beginner, our intricately researched and stepwise manual is all you need to decode everything about Cardio!

What is Cardio Exercise?

Also known as Aerobic Exercise, cardio is performed with rhythmic activity that involves Interval Training to increase your heart rate. During these workouts, you will experience elevated breathing as well. This process is particularly crucial because it maximises the oxygen in your blood, which allows your body to use it more effectively.

As a result of varying aerobic capacities that determine our body’s capability of using oxygen, some people feel energised while others feel lethargic after cardio. That is, a high aerobic capacity ensures efficient delivery of oxygen to your heart, lungs, and blood vessels.

Common Types of Cardio Training

Your fitness goals require a combination of several types of Cardio Exercises, each with its specific benefits. Here we’re going to brief you up about the five commonly used types of cardiovascular training.

Low Intensity Training (40-60% MHR): 

Cardio beginners are mostly advice to begin here. These workouts are simple, less demanding, and range from walking, jogging, or cycling. If it’s comfortably long and continuous but easy, usually over 40 minutes, then you’re performing low-intensity training.

Medium Intensity Training (70-80% MHR): 

To take it up a notch, we have a shorter but harder form of cardio training that lasts for around 20 to 40 minutes. Popularly used for fat loss, medium intensity training is the onset of heavy breathing during exercises, but not enough to leave you breathless.

High Intensity Training (80-85% MHR): 

These Cardio Exercises arefairly quick and take up around 5 to 20 minutes of rigorous training. These workouts reach the Anaerobic Threshold, and your capacity to perform them depends on your genetics and fitness level.

Aerobic Interval Training: 

These workouts blend all the three levels of intensities mentioned above with specific intervals. For example, ten minutes of moderate-intensity exercise with two minutes of low and a one-minute burst of high. You can always change the combination to suit your preference, but remember, the key is to exercise without tiring yourself to the extent that you have to stop.

Anaerobic Interval Training (85-90% MHR): 

Over here, the goal is to repeatedly go hard for a while and rest equally or more, these are popularly known as HIIT Workout. For example, high-speed sprinting for 30 seconds, followed by a 30-second walk, then repeat the 30-second sprint, and finally, walk for 30 seconds. Such exercises can vary based on your fitness level as well.

Benefits of Cardio Training:

In general, cardio is the best way to determine your health status. For instance, if you’re tired and out of breath easily after performing simple a Cardio Workout, your aerobic capacity is probably low. 

To help you understand further, we have listed several proven benefits of cardio below:

  • Increased muscle strength and body flexibility
  • Improved heart and overall cardiovascular health
  • Better mood and reduced stress levels
  • Burn a lot of calories with one of the Best Exercise to Lose Weight!
  • Prevent diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure
  • Boosts energy and induces better sleep

How to Start Cardio Training?

If you’re a beginner, you must start slow because there is no quick way up this ladder. Talk with your trainer and understand what suits you best before jumping to any conclusions. To avoid confusion and discomfort, at ThatLifestyleCoach, we offer a 7-day free trial [CTA] to help you get accustomed to such changes.

The trick is to find what is comfortable with your lifestyle and work around it to avoid giving up, especially for Cardio Workouts at Home. If you prefer going to the gym, you will have access to more beginner equipment such as elliptical trainers, climbers, stationary bikes, treadmills, and more.

Choosing Cardio Exercises for Beginners: The DO’S and DON’T’s

Adding a new aspect to your lifestyle requires careful consideration, and it can’t be a decision made on a whim. Similarly, there are a few common tips and mistakes when performing cardio for the first time.

The fundamental points to keep in mind before starting with any form of cardio training:

  • Don’t trust the fads. Always do your research.
  • Don’t overdo steady-state cardio i.e. avoid keeping your heart rate consistent for the entire workout.
  • Follow the three-pronged approach i.e. low-intensity warm-up for 5-10 minutes before each session, condition yourself by maintaining consistency, and cool-down with some stretches for 5-10 minutes afterwards.
  • Don’t follow the same routine every day. Mix it up a bit.
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Don’t wait to sip your bottle after the session. Drinking water throughout is crucial to avoid dehydration.
  • Continuing the workout when in pain is a huge no-no. You must stop immediately if you feel any strain, ache, or pull.
  • Most importantly, don’t centre your attention only on cardio. You need to have a combination of strength training as well as Cardio Workout to reach your fitness or lifestyle goals.

With that said, we hope you have understood the vital elements and don’t have to scratch your heads about Cardio Exercises anymore. As you have seen, it’s quite simple after all. Stay tuned to find out more about Strength Training in our next blog!

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